
Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Machine Learning & Deep Learning Notes and Records

Intrusion Detection

Group Project - NotPetya analysis

  1. Interesting questions: shut down the SMBv1 could be a good prevent method, but is there any problems when using SMBv2 and SMBv3?
    Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always)
    Cisco Firepower Release Notes, Version 6.2.3
    Cisco Firepower System Software Server Message Block File Policy Bypass Vulnerability
    Prevent Petya and other Ransomware attacks by disabling SMBv1
    Here’s why you need to stop using SMBv1 immediately. Even Microsoft agrees.
    CVE-2018-0243 Detail

Research Paper: Utilizing J48 to conduct classification task of Network Activity Recognition


  1. Github repositries
  2. how to quote the online resource in Paper

Experiment Design

  1. Convert pcap to csv using the Wireshark
  2. Convert csv to txt
  3. Apply Network-intrusion-system-with-multinomial-classification for format fitting
  4. Use wireshark to generate train and validation data and convert it / checked
  5. Implement the existing project
  6. If error, try to fix and explain
  7. Record the key points when implementing
  8. Record the outcomes when running
  9. Evaluate the algorithm with validation dataset
    machine learning regular evaluation
  10. Analyze test dataset using tools
    My algorithm
    other online or existing tools
  11. Conclusion
    good points
    possible error analysis
    1) in the music listenning dataset, if I want to use netease music, it need to set a VPN to China to enable it, this may change the attribute features of dataset and cause final classification bias or mistakes.
    where could be done better
    possible ways to get better
    1) use tshark or python to extract the csv file from pcap file in a more customizable way
    2) config the wireshark to monitor only one application when generating test and validation data. [use wireshark to get specific application's internet package](https://blog.csdn.net/youxiansanren/article/details/48271851) / go to "Activity Monitor" of Mac to find the pid of firefox browser 441, and port is 31886 / [get the info of the application](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24909089/article/details/90667898)
    3) use the spotfiy

Convert pcap to csv

  1. download the wireshark from official website / convert pcap to csv / convert csv to txt
  2. python ways in CSDN
    1. pip install scapy
    2. confirm the format of given pcap file
      ###[ Ethernet ]### 
      dst = 52:54:00:12:35:02
      src = 08:00:27:92:ab:0d
      type = IPv4
      ###[ IP ]###
      version = 4
      ihl = 5
      tos = 0x0
      len = 40
      id = 45488
      flags = DF
      frag = 0
      ttl = 64
      proto = tcp
      chksum = 0x7d53
      src =
      dst =
      \options \
      ###[ TCP ]###
      sport = 35546
      dport = http
      seq = 2415182248
      ack = 14528222
      dataofs = 5
      reserved = 0
      flags = A
      window = 64020
      chksum = 0xbe7
      urgptr = 0
      options = []
    —–fail! just one row with wrong colums
    1. tshark -r sample1.pcap -T fields -e eth.src -e eth.dst -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e ip.proto -E header=y -E separator=, -E quote=d -E occurrence=f > sample1.csv
  3. Generate training dataset using wireshark
    network trouble shotting
     1) ping www.google.com
     2) traceroute www.google.com
     3) ipconfig ifcount
     4) nslookup www.google.com
     5) whois www.google.com
     6) netstat
  4. weka reference
    use weka to predict data / complement of the previews one
    detailed output file instruction
  5. Prepare the data from raw data.
    1. add “Class lable”, remember use ‘microsoft excel’ to add coloum but not the ‘mac numbers’ how to use excel to fill one coloum to one value
    2. or directly use weka import csv file and convert it to arff file
      in the ‘info’ attribute, can not contain double quotation marks, which would lead to generation error —– even if choose other method, this would also consequently cause error, so this is a very important tip. replace the string in Excel with empty space-tap a space in the replace textbox of excel but not nothing
  1. Dataset preprocessing
    1. delete useless attribute ID, which does not contain any information about the intrusion detection process.


  1. Converting PCAPs into Weka mineable data - IEEE Xplore
  2. Good step instruction —- Machine learning – Network traffic classification using weka
  3. Analysis J48 in Weka
  4. Use the Wireshark in Mac
  5. 10 most used network trouble shooting commands
  6. Data Mining with weka (2.2 training and testing) official video guidance
  7. Use weka to predict the test data set / Visualization way in weka / Command way in weka

Use Lubuntu to test programs in VirtulBox

  1. In order to use share function
    (1) set up shared files
    (2) when restart Lubuntu, check in terminal “df -l”, and use “sudo mount -t vboxsf [MacSharedFileName] /mnt/shareMac”
     sudo mount -t vboxsf Shared /mnt/shareMac
  2. Install anaconda / Uninstall anaconda

APT - advanced persistent threat

  1. Wikipedia
  2. Refers mainly to hidden and long-term intrusion in computer, which is conducted mainly by professional attackers and aimed at specific targets.
  3. The biggest threat is that it is long-term, which means that people can not be certain when did their computers get infected. And that makes the process of recovery even harder and a bit more unnreliable.

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response.

  1. official website

Famous virus

A brief history of Computer Viruses - Youtube

  1. Stuxnet wikipedia


  1. How to share files between host-mac and client-virtualbox-Lubuntu
  2. How to fix ‘virtualbox failed to get display change request’ error / my solution: change the value of video memory of display settings from 16MB to 64MB would make resolution of display become much higher.