
Internet Programming

Internet Programming Notes and Records

Previous Project Experience

  1. Use Java to develop and optimize a simple motion scheduling and path planning algorithm for industrial machine (during work).
    Mainly based on the A* algorithm.
  2. Use Java to develop a multi-layer encryption cloud storage software (during undergraduate period)
  3. Design and development of an Online Mobile Market System

Practical homework tips: CI6206

  1. When use the higher version of tomcat (like version 8.5), it is very likely to happen this situation: the console report connection failure with database. One way to fix that is to use the new/lastest version of mysql connnector (like fullname is [mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar]).

CI6206 Group Project - Social Network Website


  1. aliahmadi4/WAP-SocialNetwork - Rejected
    No time to get familiar to IDEA in such short time

  2. asaunin/social-network-spring - Rejected
    No time to get familiar to Spring MVC

  3. Sathveegan/Social-App-JAVA-Servlet-JSP - Choosen
    deployment: 1) fix database problem by change mysql.jar version to V8.0

             2) change all jsp file into the "/WebContent"
             3) after putting image or external files, should refresh the project in eclipse to make the changes valid.

Addtional functions

  1. Upload image as personal avatar
    Bunoob.com example of upload file
    “Server Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost failed to start” - because I changed xml in code

  2. Search function
    Tips: 1) slides and example from class

       2) Should delete the line "Collections.sort(searchUsers);" in UserDAO, which would cause the return value of function "getUsersByName" be null and cause error. The real cause is that the sort function would fail when there is several same value of names.
       3) [bootstrap table setting](https://blog.csdn.net/Fanbin168/article/details/53208869) / [runoob document](https://www.runoob.com/bootstrap/bootstrap-tables.html)
  1. Add Friend and Search Friend
    Tips: 1) Auto_increment in mysql

       2) [avoid mysql insert the replicate data into table](https://blog.csdn.net/u010366748/article/details/89138334)
  2. Adjust appearance of Website
    Tips: 1) error “The requested resource [/SocialNetworkWebsite/WebContent/image/login-background.jpg] is not available”

       2) [runoob css-background](https://www.runoob.com/css/css-background.html)
       3) [set background picture](https://blog.csdn.net/lanjie_gunger/article/details/50471225)

Improvement aspects


  1. 在Friend页面中搜索后显示用户姓名————sql语句+session就能实现
  2. 朋友关系查询改为单向查询
  3. 按照用户名显示关注的人的post
  4. 头像直接上传到 sever engine 中
  5. 增加用户名防sql注入


  1. 对post的评价、点赞和转发
  2. 特别关注功能、红点提醒
  3. 结合云平台改为可以自己方便部署的小型内部社交系统——开源软件方向
  4. 技术栈更新为spring mvc

CI6206 Technology Reserch Paper - Cloud Computing

  1. Large scale AI Recommendation System - Rejected
    facebook - ai tool apis
    facebook - starspace
    implementation sample of recommendation system
    Too complicated, hard to deploy on JSP+Servlet system, which is very small.
  2. samll scale python recommendation system - can try if have time


  1. Introduction: A List of Popular Cloud Hosting Providers for Java Web Applications

Report PDF:



  1. Sathveegan/Social-App-JAVA-Servlet-JSP
  2. aliahmadi4/WAP-SocialNetwork
  3. asaunin/social-network-spring
  4. how to totally delete TeamViewer in Mac / NTU internal network would block the sign-in and internet process of TV, can try to use VPN to fix this problem.


  1. what does groupID or artifactID in dataflow mean?
  2. Error: “Missing object or bucket in path: ‘gs://staging-buket-test/‘, did you mean: ‘gs://some-bucket/staging-buket-test’?” / How to fix